Monday, April 1, 2013

Facts About Education Worldwide

  1. As of 2012, 31 million primary-school pupils worldwide dropped out of school. An additional 32 million repeated a grade.
  2. In the sub-Saharan, 11.07 million children leave school before completing their primary education. In South and West Asia, that number reaches 13.54 million.
  3. While girls are less likely to begin school, boys are more likely to repeat grades or drop out altogether.
  4. According to UNESCO, 61 million primary school-age children were not enrolled in school in 2010.
    • Of these children, 47 percent were never expected to enter school, 26 percent attended school but left, and the remaining 27 percent are expected to attend school in the future.
  5. Children living in a rural environment are two times more likely to be out of school than urban children. Additionally, children from the wealthiest 20 percent of the population are four times more likely to be in school than the poorest 20 percent.
  6. In developing, low-income countries, every additional year of education can increase a person’s future income by an average of 10 percent.
  7. Children who are born to educated mothers are less likely to be stunted or malnourished. Each additional year of maternal education also reduces the child mortality rate by 2 percent.
  8. Women with a primary school education are 13 percent more likely to know that condoms can reduce their risk of contracting HIV/AIDS. An education can help decrease the spreading of this virus by promoting safer sexual practices.
  9. 53 percent of the world’s out-of-school children are girls and two-thirds of the illiterate people in the world are women.
  10. Education empowers women to make healthy decisions about their lives. For example, women in Mali with a secondary level education or higher have an average of 3 children, while those with no education have an average of 7.
  11. The youth literacy rates in South America and Europe are among the highest with 90-100 percent literacy. The African continent, however, has areas with less than 50 percent literacy among children ages 18 and under.

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